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Will Testosterone Help Lose Fat - You Must Read This

"Will Testosterone Help Lose Fat?" is the question that will be answered here in this article.

Actually there are two answers to this question: yes and no. No, because when women take testosterone, they grow a hairy chest, their clitoris will enlarge, breast become smaller, they grow a beard and possibly more weird side effects. I strongly advise women to not take it. There are plenty other ways to lose fat without all the craziest.

Women you don't have to look like a clown in order to lose weight. You can lose weight safe and naturally just by eating more food, and you get to pick from a variety of foods. I lost 8 1/2 pounds in 2 weeks just from eating more throughout the day. Find out how to lose 10 pounds in two weeks.

Will Testosterone Help Lose Fat For Men?

Yes, because for men it helps shed the stubborn fat you are so eager to get rid of, and it also helps build muscle, which is one of the best ways to burn unwanted fat without the crazy stuff.

Most men who are trying to get trimmed are either training for a sport, just want to look good, or maybe they want to look better naked. While building muscle by exercising is important, eating the right foods also play a major role in losing fat and maintaining muscle.

Foods that Build Testosterone:

Eggs are our friend - Yes eggs! Do you love eggs? Eggs are filled with protein, and many people eat them as a snack. But that's just the tip of the ice berg. Eggs also boosts testosterone levels in the body, because they are full of zinc which makes it a good candidate.

Chicken Breast - Who don't love chicken? Though chicken breast isn't exactly by favorite part of the chicken, it is a great source of zinc and is a great testosterone booster.

Broccoli and sprouts - We know that greens are good for everyone, but broccoli and sprouts just tops the cake when it comes to reducing oestrogen levels. While reducing oestrogen levels, it makes testosterone more active in the body. Eat your broccoli with some delicious cheese sauce, it'll help give your testosterone a even more boost.

Peanut Butter - According to the International Journal of Sports Medicine, men who eat a lot of mono unsaturated fat has a much higher testosterone levels. Eat a variety of nuts.

Sunflower Seeds - These seeds are eaten by bodybuilders because they help build muscle and boost testosterone levels. They help rise muscle building hormones.

Cabbage - Yes, cabbage can be our best friend. It has a special and unique ingredient in it called IC3 that naturally increases testosterone levels.

"Will Testosterone Help Lose Fat?" Yes it will, but just like most other things, it will take some time to see big results, but you can speed up your weight loss results by starting a diet plan that will allow you to eat more and drop the fat faster.


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